miss unite rules

Miss UNITE 2016


We would first like to start with a thank you from us, Unite Events Inc. 965 West Commercial Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. Abey Alfasi, Philip Alexander and the entire UNITE team is very excited to have you as one of our contestants. And we appreciate the time and efforts you expend in order to present yourself in the absolute best light possible. We here at Unite Event Inc. are fully aware and have a first-hand understanding of the preparation process and it is for this reason that we have worked so hard to reward our winner with such a prize:



1.      Candidates must submit all of the following for the application to be considered complete:

a.       An official completed Miss Unite Pageant Application will include:

 Personal information (Stage and legal name, age, date of birth, and contact information) ii. Brief personal biography iii. Community involvement, accolades, and awards iv. Any Social Media links (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

v. Responses to two questions vi. Type of talent that will be performed vii. List of additional personnel and their role or relationships (dancers, assistants, dressers, stylists, employees, significant others or other helpers)


viii. List of sponsors ix. Three female Marvels@ superheroes options (For Nationals in Orlando)

b.       One (1) 5"x7" professional headshot photo in full performanceattire

i. If digitally submitted must be a minimum resolution of 300dpi (pdffile)

c.       One (1) 5"x7" professional headshot photo of contestants as themselves (pdffile)

d.       Non---refundable entrance fee of $125.00 must submitted by card or cash to Unite Events Inc. via phone (954) 903-7977 Ext. 302 or in person at UNITE HEADQUARTERS 965 West

Commercial Blvd. Fort Lauderdale FL 33309. CHECKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!

2.      Applications must be submitted by email to UniteEventslnc@gmail.com in one single email

a.       Subject of email must include contestant "Stage Name" and Miss Unite 2016 Pageant Application

b.       Body of email must include date payment was made and the following attachments:

i. Application as one (1) multi-page PDF document ii. Required photos as individual files PDF files or date pictures were sent via mail iii. Proof of online payment as one (1) single page PDFdocument

3.      Applications and entrance fees are due by 10:00pm EST on Thursday, April 14th, 2016. Applications received after the deadline will be penalized $25 per day until the Thursday, April 21st, 2016 and no longer accepted at the door.

4.      By signing and submitting an application, candidates attest that they have read, understand, and agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Miss Unite 2016 Pageant.


1. Unite Events Inc. will not provide travel accommodations for the Miss Unite Pageant 2016. Contestants are responsible for scheduling and payment for their own airfare or other transportation to the Miss Unite Pageant 2016. They are also responsible for any and all transportation expenses before, during, and after the Miss Unite Pageant 2016.



1.       Registration will take place Tuesday, Wednesday April 20th, 2016 from 6pm — 7pm at UNITE HEADQUARTERS. 965 West Commercial Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 All contestant information will be verified, copies of valid identifications of all participants will be made, and information regarding the location and time of the Mandatory Pageant Participant Meeting will be provided. Failure to register during the registration period will result in disqualification.

2.       Music must be submitted at the time of registration and be clearly marked with contestant's name. Music submissions must be with a USB Thumb Drive with each track labeled accordingly; cassette tapes or CD's will not be accepted. Contestants who do not submit their USB Thumb Drive at the time of registration may be subject to scoring penalization.

Track 1— Themed Presentation Music Track 2 —Talent with Swimsuit Music

3.       Each contestant is allotted fifty (20) minutes for individual rehearsal at 2pm Wednesday, April th 20, 2016 @ Wolf Bar 2209 Wilton Drive, Wilton Manors, FL 33305. Rehearsals will be on a first come first served basis and should be utilized for performance blocking, technical cues, familiarization with the performance space/areas, and ensuring time restrictions can be met. Contestants should be well organized to best utilize the limited time provided. Efficiency is priority in order to allow timing of required performances and various scheduled acts.


a.       PERSONAL INTERVIEW — Up to fifteen (15) minutes in length. The showcase of "who you are as a person." Contestants should interview in their everyday gender preference. Interviews will be video recorded, and posted on social media sites.

b.       THEMED PRESENTATION — Two (2) minute time limit. The opportunity to introduce yourself, and your theme of "Marvelous Superhero"

c.       TALENT & SWIMWEAR — Five (5) minute time limit with two (2) minutes of setup and teardown times. An onstage performance of your choice, featuring a "Swimwear" look.

d.       FASHION WALK & EVENING GOWN - One (1) minute time limit. The opportunity to present your elegance and poise in evening gown fashion.



1.      Scoring for the Miss Unite Pageant is cumulative. Judges will assign each contestant a score for each category based on their personal performance. Performances will be scored individually without comparison to other performances. With this scoring, more than one contestant may receive the same score.

2.      Judging score allocation will be as follows:

a.        PERSONAL INTERVIEW           Maximum of 10 points per judge

b.       THEMED PRESENTATION        Maximum of 10 points per judge

c.        TALENT & SWIMWEAR            Maximum of 20 points per judge

d.       FASHION WALK & EVENING GOWN Maximum of 10 points per judge

e.        JUDGES FINAL ON-STAGE QUESTION Maximum of 10 points per judge

3.      Administrative score allocation will be as follows:

a.        Administrative Points = Maximum of 50 points

 All contestants will begin the competition with twenty---five (25) Administrative points. Points may be gained for a maximum of fifty (50) points, or removed to a minimum of zero (O) points at the discretion of the judges of the Miss Unite Pageant.

ii. The Pageant Manager will maintain documentation of all penalties or gained administrative points. All penalties are required to be consistent and transparent throughout the competition.